Yearly Archives: 2002

‘Early Settlers’ Books Available from LCHGS

I just received my copy of ‘Early Settlers of Lee County, Virginia and Adjacent Counties’ Volume I and II. I had been looking to buy a copy for many years. These newly published copies are available from Lee County Historical and Genealogical Society for $149.95 plus $7.00 postage, tax, and handling. I put in a pre-publication order as soon as I heard they would be printed.

Here is a link to the details for ordering.

The Reasor Green Apple

Smithsonian Magazine: Author Tim Hensley, who himself opened up an antique apple mail-order nursery, relates his own personal quest into the field of historical pomology, a journey that not only takes him back to his own great-great-grandfather but out into the field where he discovers the Reasor Green , which had been thought to be extinct.

George Reasor, b 1801 in PA

George REASOR was born in Oct 1801 in Pa. He died on 6 Nov 1866 in NY. He was buried in Reaser Cemetery, Steuben County, NY.

George was employed as Farmer.

George married Jane DRAKE in 1826. Jane was born in Dec 1798 in PA, New Jersey or New York (depending which records you are looking at). She died on 8 Feb 1863. She was buried in Reaser Cemetery, Corning, Steuben County, NY.

Reasor genealogy 2

My great grandmother was Frances Ely Reasor; daughter of Peter Reasor and Rebecca Ely. She was born October 18.1936 . She married William Jasper Collier. She died on August 21,1901 and is buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery in Cooke County, Texas.

My Grandmother, Frances Rebecca Collier and my mother, Elmira Frances Cason Renfro are also buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery.

My brother was named Daniel Sheffie Renfro and my uncle was Daniel Sheffie Cason. I would have named ny first born son Daniel Sheffie Anthony but for the fact that my brother did not like the name of Sheffie and asked me not to name him Sheffie so we just named him Dan Renfro Anthony.Thanks. Virginia Renfro Anthony